ICD-10 Codes for Shigellosis A03 – Complete Guide

How do doctors suggest which ICD-10 code to use for Shigellosis? These codes are like a secret language that doctors use to talk about disease. This code for Shigellosis is A03 in the ICD-10 system, which is a complete book of codes for all kinds of diseases.

ByadminonMarch 28, 2024

In this blog, we’re going to uncover what the A03 code means for Shigellosis. You’ll learn about the codes doctors use and how they decide which one fits your disease. 

Commonly Used ICD-10 (ICD-9) Codes for Shigellosis

To understand Shigellosis better, it’s helpful to know its specific medical codes. These codes are used by doctors and hospitals to identify and treat Shigellosis.


2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A03.0 – Shigellosis due to Shigella dysenteriae

Code transition: ICD-10: A03.0   ICD-9: 004.0

Shigella dysenteriae causes a very bad stomach upset. You might feel really sick and have diarrhea. This germ spreads easily by touch. 

Billable: Yes

2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A03.1 –  Shigellosis due to Shigella flexneri

Code transition: ICD-10: A03.1  ICD-9: 004.1

Shigella flexneri makes your stomach hurt a lot. You will feel weak and need to go to the bathroom often. It passes from person to person quickly. 

Billable: Yes

2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A03.2 – Shigellosis due to Shigella boydii

Code transition: ICD-10: A03.2  ICD-9: 004.2

Shigella boydii causes painful belly cramps and diarrhea. You might not want to eat or play. This bug spreads through dirty hands or water. Always wash your hands to stay healthy. 

Billable: Yes

2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A03.3 – Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei

Code transition: ICD-10: A03.3  ICD-9: 004.3

Shigella sonnei makes your stomach very upset. It’s common and spreads through dirty hands. You might feel tired and have to stay home. You should always wash your hands to avoid getting sick. 

Billable: Yes

2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A03.8 – Other shigellosis

Code transition: ICD-10: A03.8  ICD-9: 004.8

There are other types of shigellosis, too. They can make you feel really bad. You’ll have stomach pains and might throw up. 

Billable: Yes

2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A03.9 – Shigellosis, unspecified

Code transition: ICD-10: A03.9  ICD-9: 004.9

Sometimes, doctors can’t tell which germ causes shigellosis. You still feel sick to your stomach. Diarrhea and fever are common signs. 

Billable: Yes

Coding Guidelines for Shigellosis A03

Now, let’s focus on the ICD-10 codes specifically related to Shigellosis, which is classified under A03, and explore the guidelines for using these codes correctly.

  • Specificity:

When coding Shigellosis, aim for the most specific code possible based on the identified Shigella bacteria causing the infection. ICD-10 offers separate codes for Shigellosis caused by

  • Shigella dysenteriae (A03.0)
  • Shigella flexneri (A03.1)
  • Shigella boydii (A03.2)
  • Shigella sonnei (A03.3)

If the specific Shigella type is unknown, use:

  • A03.8 – Other shigellosis (for cases where a Shigella species is identified but not further classified)
  • A03.9 – Shigellosis, unspecified (when no Shigella species can be identified)
  • Comorbidities:

Shigellosis can sometimes occur with other conditions such malnutrition or dehydration. It especially targets children or immunocompromised individuals. If these comorbidities are present then you can code them using additional ICD-10 codes from different sections.

For example, if a patient with Shigellosis also experiences severe dehydration, you might use A03.0 (Shigellosis due to Shigella dysenteriae) along with a code from Section E (Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases) for dehydration.

  • Reporting Requirements:

Specific reporting requirements for Shigellosis may vary such as it can depend on your location and your healthcare provider services. Some regions might have mandatory reporting requirements for public health surveillance. 

You should always consult with your local hospital to get the specific reporting associated with Shigellosis cases. Moreover, streamline your medical billing processes with our comprehensive resources on ICD 10 Codes For Abdominal Pain, helping you navigate the complexities of gastrointestinal coding and reimbursement.

What are the criteria for tic Shigellosis?

It’s important to know about tic Shigellosis. Let’s learn how to spot and handle it.

Recognizing Tic Shigellosis

  • Tic Shigellosis starts with sudden stomach troubles. You might have diarrhea, fever, and feel really weak. It’s not just a simple stomach bug.
  • This condition can make you feel very sick quickly. Your body fights hard with it but it can be the cause of fever and pain. When you face this condition, you need to consult a doctor.

How It Spreads

  • Tic Shigellosis spreads when people don’t wash their hands. It moves from one person to another and makes them sick. You should always use soap and water to stay safe.
  • In this regard, even touching something the germ has touched can infect you. That’s why you need to keep things clean. Moreover, don’t forget to clean toys and doorknobs too.

Staying Safe from Tic Shigellosis

  • The best way to fight tic Shigellosis is by washing hands. Its initial step is to keep you and your friends healthy. You should make it a habit after using the bathroom and before eating.
  • Furthermore, doctors can help if you get sick with tic Shigellosis. They might give you medicine to make you feel better. You should always listen to their advice and take care of yourself.

General ICD-10 Information

What is ICD-10?

ICD-10 stands for the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision. It’s a medical classification system developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) used for coding diagnoses and health conditions.

What does ICD-10 do?

ICD-10 provides a standardized language for health professionals to classify diseases, signs and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or disease.

This standardized coding system facilitates:

  • Accurate billing and reimbursement for healthcare services.
  • Tracking health trends and disease statistics.
  • Research on diseases and medical conditions.
  • Communication and data sharing between healthcare providers and institutions.

Key Features of ICD-10

  • Alphabetic Index:
    ICD 10 diagnoses the conditions in alphabetical order for easier searching.
  • Alphanumeric Codes: It’s a combination of letters and numbers to identify specific diagnoses. Such as A03 for Shigellosis.
  • Hierarchical Structure: It organizes codes in a hierarchical fashion, with broader categories further divided into more specific subcategories.

Benefits of ICD-10

  • Improved Accuracy: These are more specific codes compared to ICD-9. The previous system led to more accurate diagnosis coding.
  • Enhanced Reporting: ICD-10 provides better health-tracking trends and resources.
  • Global Standardization: This provides a common language for healthcare data exchange internationally.

Implementation of ICD-10

ICD-10 was implemented in the United States in 2014 to replace the older ICD-9 system. The transition period required healthcare providers and institutions to adapt their coding practices and software to accommodate the new system.

Current Use of ICD-10

Today, ICD-10 is the standard coding system that is used in the US healthcare system to diagnose health conditions.

The Bottom Line

Healthcare providers must be well aware of Shigellosis and its ICD-10 code, A03. Because it helps doctors give accurate care to their patients with Shigellosis. This system makes sure your disease is tracked and treated well. 

CloudRCM stands out as the top choice for managing ICD-10 medical codes for Shigellosis. Discover and join our services today to experience our versatility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the ICD-10 code for A03.9?

The ICD-10 code for A03.9 is for Shigellosis, unspecified. It means the specific type of Shigellosis isn’t named. Doctors use this when they know it’s Shigellosis, but not which kind.

What is the cause of Shigellosis?

Shigellosis is caused by Shigella bacteria. You can get it by eating or drinking contaminated stuff. It spreads easily, especially if hands are not washed well.

What is shigellosis and how do you get it?

Shigellosis is an infection from bacteria in the gut. You catch it from dirty water or food. It’s more common if hands aren’t washed after the bathroom.

What is the ICD-10 code for shigellosis?

The ICD-10 code for Shigellosis is A03. This code covers all types of Shigellosis. Doctors use it to track and treat this infection.

What is the diagnosis for Shigella?

Diagnosis for Shigella involves lab tests of the stool. These tests find the Shigella bacteria causing the illness. Early diagnosis helps in starting the right treatment.

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