ICD 10 Codes For Abdominal Pain – Complete Guide

What are the ICD-10 codes, and why do they matter for abdominal pain? ICD-10 abdominal pain codes are a system doctors use to describe abdominal conditions and healthcare problems. These codes help doctors diagnose the location of the pain and treat abdominal pain in a clear way.

ByadminonMarch 25, 2024

This blog explores how to use these codes for abdominal pain. You’ll learn about common codes and guidelines. Moreover, it will also explore how to code for special situations like pregnancy and chronic pain.

ICD 10 Codes For Abdominal Pain

Commonly Used ICD-10 (ICD-9) Codes for Abdominal Pain

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.0 – Acute abdomen

Code Transition: ICD-9: 789.00 

 ICD-10: R10.0

Acute abdomen means you suddenly get really bad stomach pain. It shows something inside isn’t right and needs fast help. This pain can make you scared and confused.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.1 – Pain localized to upper abdomen

Code Transition: ICD-9: 789.01

ICD-10: R10.1

Pain localized to the upper abdomen means your upper belly hurts. This area includes your stomach and liver. It can feel sharp, dull, or achy. It needs to be checked by a doctor.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.2 – Pelvic and perineal pain

Code Transition: ICD-10: R10.2

ICD-9: 789.02

Pelvic and perineal pain focuses on your lower belly and groin. This pain can vary from sharp to a constant ache. It’s a sign to seek medical advice quickly. Your comfort and health matter.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.10 – Upper abdominal pain, unspecified

Code Transition:
ICD-10: R10.10

ICD-9: 789.00

Upper abdominal pain, unspecified, means your upper belly hurts. The exact reason might not be clear yet. It’s a signal to get medical help. Don’t ignore it, your body is speaking.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.11 – Right upper quadrant pain

Code Transition:
ICD-10: R10.11

ICD-9: 789.01

Right upper quadrant pain targets your right-side belly. This area houses your liver and gallbladder. Pain here can signal issues with these organs. See a doctor for the right care.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.12 – Left upper quadrant pain

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.12

ICD-9: 789.02

Left upper quadrant pain means your left side belly has inside pain. This spot can cause complications for you if something’s wrong inside. You might feel it near your stomach. Doctors can help figure out what the issue is.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.13 – Epigastric pain 

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.13

ICD-9: 789.03

Epigastric pain means that you are facing an upper belly ache. It’s the area right under your ribs. If it hurts there, your stomach might be upset. 

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.2 – Pelvic and perineal pain

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.2

ICD-9: 789.04

Pelvic and perineal pain is pain in your lower belly and below. It could feel like a sharp poke or a dull ache. This pain means you should tell a grown-up and see a doctor.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.3 – Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.3

ICD-9: 789.05

Pain localized to other parts of the lower abdomen means lower belly pain. It could be on the left, right, or middle. This kind of pain needs an urgent doctor’s checkup. 

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.30 – Lower abdominal pain, unspecified

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.30

ICD-9: 789.00

ICD 10 code for Lower abdominal pain, unspecified, means your  are facing lower belly. We don’t know why yet, but it’s important. A doctor can help find out the cause.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.31 – Right lower quadrant pain 

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.31

ICD-9: 789.03

Right lower quadrant pain is pain on your lower right belly. It’s where your appendix and other parts are. If you feel pain there, you should see a doctor.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.33 – Periumbilical pain

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.33

ICD-9: 789.04

Periumbilical pain means pain around your belly button. This area can hurt for different reasons. 

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.8 – Other abdominal pain

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.8

ICD-9: 789.09

Other abdominal pain covers any belly aches not listed before. It could be anywhere in your belly area. 

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.81 – Abdominal Tenderness

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.81

ICD-9: Not Directly Comparable

Your belly might feel sore when touched. This is called abdominal tenderness. It shows something might be wrong inside. 

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.83 – Colic

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.83

ICD-9: Not Directly Comparable

Colic means your belly hurts badly in waves. It’s like a bad belly ache that comes and goes. Babies often get colic, which makes them cry a lot. It’s tough but usually gets better with time.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis CodeR10.84 – Generalized Abdominal Pain

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.84

ICD-9: Not Directly Comparable

When your whole belly hurts, it’s generalized pain. This pain doesn’t stick to one spot. You should get a proper check-up from a doctor to get a cure as soon as possible.

Billable: Yes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R10.9 – Unspecified Abdominal Pain

Code Transition:

ICD-10: R10.9

ICD-9: 789.00

If your belly hurts but you don’t know why, it’s an unspecified pain. This means the exact cause isn’t clear. If you know about the cause, then it can help you treat the pain.

Billable: Yes

Coding Guidelines for Abdominal Pain

When it comes to abdominal pain, you should be aware of its guidelines. Let’s explore the different aspects that define this common condition.


Your belly feels painful, but where exactly? The location of your abdominal pain says a lot. If your pain is near your belly button, it could be something minor. But if it is on your right lower side, it might be your appendix. Consider your belly as a map, where each area represents a different cause or organ.


How bad is your pain? This question matters a lot. If your abdominal pain is mild, you should get proper treatment from the doctor. However, if it’s really bad, like the pain you’ve ever felt, You need to see a doctor quickly. Your pain level helps doctors figure out the best way to help you.

Type of Pain 

Abdominal pain doesn’t feel the same for everyone. It can be a sharp or dull ache that doesn’t go away. Your pain condition will tell the doctor where and what kind of pain you are facing. 

Specificity Vs Unspecified 

Sometimes, you can point exactly where it hurts. Other times, your whole belly just feels bad. Doctors call this “specific” when it’s in one spot and “unspecified” when you can’t tell exactly where. This thing helps diagnose a major issue.

General ICD-10 Information

The medical codes can be tricky and more impactful for abdominal pain with ICD-10. Let’s break the general information about the abdominal pain into simpler parts to make it easier to grasp.

Purpose and Development

ICD-10 stands for the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision. As it highlights the abdominal pain with its own unique code. Doctors and hospitals use these codes to keep track of what’s wrong with people. It was made so that everyone could understand diseases and health issues.

Benefits and Applications

Using icd code 10 for abdominal pain is like using a universal language for health problems. It helps doctors understand exactly what’s wrong with someone, even if they are in a different country. This makes it easier to treat people and keep track of diseases. For you, if the abdominal pain icd 10 code gets accurate, your treatment is on point.

Implementation and Updates

Every few years, the people who make ICD-10 add new information or change old stuff to keep it up to date. Hospitals and healthcare providers should learn about these updates so that they can use the right codes. For abdominal pain icd code 10 and other problems, your doctor is always using the latest knowledge to help you.

How To Code Abdominal Pain In Pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant and have abdominal pain, You should know how to describe it to your doctor. First, tell the doctor where the pain is. Is it up high, down low, or all over? This helps your doctor understand what’s going on.

Next, describe how bad the pain feels. Is it a little uncomfortable, or is it the worst pain you’ve ever felt? Your doctor needs to know how much you feel about complications. It helps the doctor to know about your pain location, and after that, he will suggest icd 10 code for abdominal pain in pregnancy. 

Moreover, explain what the pain feels like. Is it sharp, like a needle poke, or more like a constant ache? Sharing this can give your doctor clues about why your belly is feeling the pain. Through this, the doctor will identify the actual cause of the pain.

How To Code Chronic Abdominal Pain?

When dealing with chronic abdominal pain, you should keep a record of your symptoms. You must note down when the pain happens and how long it lasts. This helps your doctor find code patterns and figure out the cause of pain.

You should be clear about how the pain feels. Is it a dull ache that’s always there? Or does it come and go? Describing the type of pain accurately can lead to better information about your condition.

Furthermore, mention any other symptoms of pain, such as nausea or changes in eating habits. These help your doctor find the right code to manage your pain.

Chronic abdominal pain requires you to work closely with your doctor, and the details about your symptoms can lead to improvements in managing your condition. Remember, you’re not alone in this case. There are better ways to help you get relief from that disease.

The Bottom Line

The ICD10 codes for abdominal pain help to find the location of the pain and what condition a patient is facing. These codes help doctors pinpoint the problem and decide on the best treatment. If you are well aware of all these, then you can make your visits to the doctor more effective.

CloudRCM stands out as the top choice for managing abdominal pain services. Discover and join our services today for the best support with ICD 10 for abdominal pain treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the ICD-10 code for abdominal pain?

The ICD-10 code for abdominal pain is R10.9. This code is used when the exact location or cause of the pain isn’t known, making it a general term for stomach ache.

What is the ICD-10 code for generalized upper abdominal pain?

For generalized upper abdominal pain, the ICD-10 code is R10.10. This code helps doctors to diagnose that the pain is located in the upper part of your belly.

What is the ICD 10 code for abdominal pain and bloating?

When you have abdominal pain and bloating, the ICD-10 code is R14.0 for the bloating, and R10.9 for the pain. Both codes together tell the doctor you’re feeling pain and fullness in your belly.

What is the ICD-9 code for abdominal pain?

The ICD-9 code for abdominal pain is 789.00. This older system was used before ICD-10 but it’s important for historical records or in systems not yet updated.

How do you code Abdominal pain?

To code abdominal pain, you look at where the pain is, how severe it is, and any other symptoms. You use the ICD-10 codes, like R10.9 for general pain, to describe the condition accurately.

What is the ICD 11 code for Abdominal pain?

The ICD-11 code for abdominal pain has not been widely implemented yet, as the ICD-11 system is newer. When it’s used, it will provide a more updated way to classify health conditions, including abdominal pain.

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